Charity begins at Christmas...

As well as donating money, 192 will also be sharing its know-how to help the charity put people back in touch. The managing director, Keith Marsden, affirmed that as well as giving funds directly, wanted to help build awareness of the thousands of missing persons from all walks of life that the National Missing Persons Helpline helps reunite with their families and friends every year. Last Christmas the helpline received more than 3, 500 calls.
Although companies have become increasingly aware over the years that being seen to be ethical and caring is important, it is still nice to see corporations caring about something other than their profit margin. At this time of year it is especially valuable for a charity dedicated to finding missing persons and supporting those who are left behind to receive some support itself.
Of course, there are many other charities that also deserve support. You cannot help everyone however and picking one worthy cause is better than helping no one.
Putting aside my usual cynicism, I think that this is a nice gesture from a company who seem to genuinely care about the cause they are helping. And Christmas is a perfect time to lend support to such a charity.
Spreading a little love goes a long way, not only for your reputation. Thinking about all the money that is spent on presents in December, it’s nice to see that some money is being spent to help out a good cause.
It is after all, the season of good will.
Labels: Current Affairs, Happy Holidays
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